The apostle John came from apparently comfortable circumstances in Galilee, where he and his brother James left their home and fishing trade to follow a man named Jesus. More than sixty years later John, the Beloved of the Lord, recorded his testimony of the divinity of the Savior. His gospel stands apart in literature as a careful and passionate witness of the Son of God. In stating his reasons for writing, John explained, "And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name" (John 20:30-31).
John's Gospel carries a unique focus on the words "believe," and "life." It was written for Church members, those who already believe. John bears a tender and intimate witness of the Lord Jesus Christ, that we might know Him and gain Eternal life through faith in His sacrifice; that "when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." (1 John 3:2). John invites us to leave behind the things that bind us to this world, as he once left his fishing nets on the shore of Galilee, and to follow the Son of God as sheep follow their shepherd.
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Sunday, December 5, 2010
John 20-21
John 20-21 Study Guide – to be discussed AM December 9, PM December 16
Day 1: Read John 20:1-10
1. Why did Mary Magdalene run to find Peter and John early on a Sunday morning?
2. Who ran faster, Peter or John? Which disciple entered the sepulcher first? What did he see?
3. John 20:8 records John “saw, and believed.” What did he believe?
Day 2: Read John 20:11-18 (with footnote 17s)
4. Why might Mary have remained at the sepulcher after Peter and John went home?
5. What one word spoken by the Savior caused Mary to recognize him?
6. What reason did Jesus give when he commanded Mary not to hold him? (See footnote 17a.)
EXTRA CREDIT: Read Luke 24:13-32. Why didn’t the disciples on the road to Emmaus SEE and KNOW Christ? What happened to open their eyes?
Day 3: Read John 20:19-23, 3 Nephi 11:13-17
7. What were Christ’s first words to his disciples as they were assembled?
8. Considering all that the Lord could have said when he appeared in his resurrected state to the disciples, what does this first expression tell you about his attitude toward or feeling for his own?
9. Read 3 Nephi 11:13-17. What does the account in 3 Nephi add to your understanding of why the Savior showed his disciples the tokens of his crucifixion? Following this witness in Jerusalem, what commission did Jesus give his disciples?
Day 4. Read John 20:24-31, Alma 32:21-23
10. What three witnesses was Thomas given of Jesus’ divinity?
11. What specific hope do you receive from Jesus’ words in John 20:29 and Alma’s words in Alma 32:21-23?
12. Why did John record his testimony in this gospel? (See also Mosiah 3:17, Acts 4:12.)
Day 5: Read John 21:1-8
13. How many disciples went fishing with Peter? What time of day did they go fishing? How successful were they?
14. Why do you think Peter wanted to go fishing?
15. What time of day was it when Jesus stood on the shore? Which disciple first recognized the Lord? By what did he know him?
Day 6: Read John 21:9-17
16. What thoughtful act of service did Jesus perform for his disciples?
17. In verse 15, Jesus asks Peter, “Lovest thou me more than these?” To what or to whom might the lord have been referring when he said “these”?
18. Why do you think the Lord questioned Peter three times regarding his love? What was his three-fold command?
Day 7: Read John 21:18-25, D&C 7:1-8
19. Of what did Jesus prophesy in John 21:18?
20. Read D&C 7:1-8. What was Peter’s desire regarding his ministry? What was John’s desire? Was one greater than the other?
21. From the last two verses in John 21, what does John say about the works of the Savior?
BONUS: Do you have a favorite verse or story from John’s Gospel? Is there anything you might do differently because of this study?
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